How you can save by applying to Quebec subsidies

Here is how you can save by applying to Quebec subsidies as a Small Business, a Medium to Large Business or as a Partner and Project Aggregator. Arani is happy to complete this application for you as well, free of charge. Please read the checklist at the end of this article for the information we need to process your request.

Small businesses

Eligible to receive financial aid in order to put in place energy efficiency measures for projects subject to Rate G. The OSE tool gives small businesses the tools to estimate the amount of financial aid they are eligible to potentially receive.

According to Hydro Québec, the eligibility criteria are as follows.

The project must:

  • Be carried out in one or more commercial, institutional or industrial buildings subject to Rate G and located in Québec.
  • Target one or more buildings that receive their electricity from the Hydro Québec grid or an eligible off-grid, municipal or cooperative system.
  • Target energy efficiency measures predefined in the OSE tool.
  • Qualify for financial assistance of at least $1,000
  • Target only new equipment.

Advantage for small business

picto finanacial aid red
Possibility of receiving financial aid
of up to 90% of eligible costs.
picto invoice red
Reduce your electricity bill.
picto improve brand red
Improve your company brand image.

Medium to Large Businesses

Eligible to receive financial aid in order to put in place energy efficiency measures for projects subject to business rates. Hydro-Québec offers 2 options:

  1. Simplified Option : Using the OSE tool, you can quickly assess the amount of financial aid you may receive.
  2. Customized Option : If the measures are not covered through Option 1, business customers may submit through this option.

According to Hydro Québec, the eligibility criteria are as follows.

  • Be carried out in one or more commercial, institutional or industrial buildings subject to a business rate and located in Québec;
  • Target one or more buildings that receive their electricity from the Hydro Québec grid or from an eligible off-grid, municipal or cooperative system.
  • Target energy efficiency measures.
  • Qualify for financial assistance of at least $2,500.
  • Target only new equipment.

Advantages for medium and large businesses

picto finanacial aid red
Receive financial aid up to
75% of eligible costs.
picto invoice red
Reduce your electricity bill.
picto improve brand red
Improve your company brand image.
picto professional skills
Seek assistance from skilled professionals.
picto enhance organization
Enhance your organization's
competitive advantage.

Partners and project aggregators

Acting on behalf of business customers, companies may wish to participate in the program as partner or project aggregator, receiving incentive compensation.

According to Hydro Québec, the eligible businesses and organizations are:

  • Specialized contractors
  • Equipment distributors
  • Engineering consulting firms
  • Energy efficiency services companies
  • Customer associations
  • Members of one of these groups

Advantages for Partners and Project Aggregators

picto sustainable energ
Gain a reptation as a
leading provider of sustainable energy.
picto enforce competitive red
Enhance your organization's
competitive advantage.
picto lead efficient red
Lead a way in efficient
energy use.

If you would like Arani to provide this free service for you, please email with the following information:

  • Project Title
  • Name of Company/Building
  • Market (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional or Agricultural)?
  • Nature (Existing Building, New Building, Enlargement or Major Renovation of the Building)?
  • Energy source for heating (All electricity, Fuel or Multisource)
  • NEQ Number
  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail address
  • Hydro-Quebec Invoice
  • Part number and Quantity of luminaires installed
  • Exact date of completion of the work